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How to get Free Software

Some softwares are free while some softwares are not. Generally, the softwares that are paid ones have more features than the softwares that are free.

For example, consider the Windows operating system and Linux, Windows O.S is paid and has lots of features. The plus point of Windows is, it is more user friendly that Linux. Linux is free version, it is little bit difficult to use for a novice user. It is not that much user-friendly as Windows Operating System.

It is very difficult to get a paid version software for free. You pay it, then you get it. Giveawayoftheday is a website which provides free software. There will be one software giveaway for each day. The software that is given away on that day, should be installed on that day, otherwise the software license cannot be activated. You can find the website here: Give away of the day.

The website provides free games but sometimes only. If you want to get notified daily, then you have to go and subscribe to their blog.

How to Create a Website

Every body wants to have a website, may be for blogging, for business or for any other purpose.

Every one don't know----

How to create a website

It is very easy to create a website.
First things to know.
Do you want a free service website or a paid service.

Free Service Website:

If you want free service, then you can just sign up for the below listed websites.
These websites provide free web hosting with a sub-domain of choice for free of cost.

These two websites are my trusted websites, I have used these websites and you can find my domain provided free, a sub-domain by
I suggest signing up for because you have lots of options to choose.
1) It is a free service provided by Google.
2) It is free and not cost afterwards or before.
3) Easy to set up.
4) You can find so many free blogger templates.
5) You can easily make money from adsense.
6) Integrating adsense is also easy.
and many and many.

So, if you want a free service, head up to
I will soon post a tutorial on how to set up a free blog at

2) Paid Service Blog:

If you decide, you want a paid service blog, then you got to spend some huge money. You should buy two things mainly,
1) Hosting
2) A domain.

You you want a trusted hosting service provider, I would recommend host gator and if you want a trusted domain service provider, i would suggest name cheap. I heard a lot about these two among webmasters, i mean, good reviews.
Hostgator -
namecheap -

You should be a little skilled, to maintain a paid host. Dont worry, once you try it, you will understand it.

My suggestion: My suggestion is, once try free blog service like blogger and then try paid service.

Finally a new Birth!

Daily we are reading in news about the advent of blogs. I used to think that why people would blog and waster their time unnecessarily. I understood that,they are not wasting time but indeed enjoying blogging as a hobby. So, I decided to start a blog.
I think Google to offer a free blog to start my blogging career.
I ama tech geek, a little bit, fan of techcrunch. I will write what ever I want, may be how to tutorials, tech news and anything related to it. So, wish me some luck and See you comment on my posts.